Never miss another Adbeat email!

How to Make Sure You Always Receive Your Adbeat Email

Even though you've requested to receive email from us, sometimes AOL may still accidentally filter our email so that you don't receive it as expected.

This happens more than might be expected - and it can be frustrating. You've probably had all sorts of emails that were valuable to you end up in the junk, spam, or promotions folder by mistake!

As it turns out, there's something you can do right now in about 30 seconds, that will prevent this problem from ever happening with our email. All you need to do is create a simple filter. That tells AOL that you want to receive our email. *Remember - if you change your mind later, you can always unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email we send.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions on this page to guarantee that you will receive all future training videos, free guides, and new content straight to your inbox.

There are 2 sets of instructions below.

First be sure to read How to Make Sure You Always Get Our Email.

Next, if some of our emails have ended up in your spam/junk folder, continue on to the section - How to Get Our Email Out of Your Spam Folder

How to Make Sure You Always Get Our Email

1. Click on the "Options" drop-down in the upper right corner.

2. Click on "Mail Settings"

3. Click on the "Filters And Alerts" in the left menu.

4. Click on "Create Filter"

5. Name the filter "Adbeat" and put "" in the From field.

6. Click on the "Move to folder" dropdown, then click on "New Folder"

7. Name the new folder "Adbeat" and press Enter

8 Click the "Create" button to finish creating the filter.

How to Get Our Email Out of Your Spam Folder

1. Browse to your spam folder and open an email from Adbeat.

2. Click on the "NOT SPAM" button at the top of your navigation bar. [See image below]

3. IMPORTANT: You must create a filter for @adbeat to ensure future emails go to your inbox. The instructions on how to do this are located at the top of this page, or you can click here.